Thursday, December 9, 2010

Por Favor ?

Had no idea for the title so I'm just going with POR FAVOR :D

Anyways , this is gonna be a short post .

Just telling you guys that I have a concert on Saturday O:
And I'm doing

When The Love Falls - Yiruma

CLICKABLE ! *crowd cheers*
And Zachary's internet is down so . . .

IN HIS FACE ! :D Laugh with me people , laugh !

Bought school uniforms yesterday too . And I have learnt how to tie a tie . (that sounded a little bit weird.)

And to end the post , a random picture .

Just to make the title relate to something . :D 

And I noticed that I didn't put one of the pictures from Penang

Ahh . Actually I wrote I am awesome but didn't have the chance to finish it . Ah well.

Well , ciaos . And it turns out this was longer than I expected . 

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